ITC, the leading Indian conglomerate, has announced the debut of Fruits ‘N Bits, a line of fruit beverages that are claimed to have real fruit chunks and seeds.
Launched under the B Natural brand, the new line is claimed to be free from concentrates and added preservatives, and comes in the varieties Mixed Fruit, Litchi (with Apple) and Guava.
Commenting on the launch, Sanjay Singal, chief operating officer – Dairy & Beverages, at ITC said: “In line with B Natural’s ethos, we are happy to launch our new range of fruit beverages combined with the richness of real fruit chunks and seeds. […] With the new launch, we aim to provide our consumers with a superior range of fruit beverage experience”.
The products are being launched in 300 ml PET bottles priced at 65 INR ($0.79), and will be sold through major retail stores and e-commerce platforms.
Source: Food Tech Network