TreeHouse Foods, a maker of private label food and beverages, has revealed plans to downsize its operations by closing facilities in Brooklyn Park, MN and Plymouth, IN, as well as by removing non-peanut packaging operations from its plant at Dothan, AL. The move is set to affect about 375 workers.
Own Brands Now reports that the closures follow lower than expected results since TreeHouse Foods’ acquisition of food manufacturer ConAgra’s private-label division last year,
Commenting on the move, TreeHouse Foods CEO Sam K Reed said: “The decisions to close these facilities are difficult ones given their impact on families and communities. However, despite the toll they exact, these measures are required if we are to remain competitive in a rapidly changing marketplace for packaged foods. In order to win in today’s marketplace, we must not only produce the finest quality at the lowest costs, but also fully utilize the capacity of our plants and the capability of our people in doing so”.
Source: TreeHouse Foods (via PR Newswire) / Own Brand News