The Coca Cola Company is planning a move into the dairy market with the launch of a new milk brand called “Fairlife”, according to a report in the Guardian.
The new product, which is due to be launched in the US next month, is said to cost twice as much as regular milk and to contain 50% more protein and 30% less sugar.
Coca Cola’s global chief customer officer, Sandy Douglas said Fairlife was “a milk that’s premiumised and tastes better and we’ll charge twice as much for it as the milk we’re used to buying”.
He added that the new product, a joint venture with US dairy farmers, used “a proprietary milk filtering process that allows you to increase protein by 50%, take sugar down by 30%, and have no lactose”.
A Fairlife spokeswoman is reported as saying that the company had no plans currently to launch the product outside the US.
Source: The Guardian