Nestle is to bring its Maggi brand of instant noodles back to the Indian market having cleared the mandatory quality tests as directed by the Bombay High Court. The company is now eyeing a comeback in time for the Hindu festival of Diwali.
Earlier this year, Maggi noodles were banned in India after the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) found concentrations of lead higher than permitted levels.
Later, however, the Bombay High Court lifted the ban on condition that five new samples from each batch of Maggi noodles submitted were found to be within legal lead limits.
In the latest development Nestle India notes that: “The tests had found all 90 samples, covering six varieties, safe for consumption”.
The company said it “will now commence manufacture and will start selling [the noodles] only after the newly manufactured products are also cleared by the designated three laboratories”.
Source: Indian Express / Economic Times / BBC