Dutch dairy multinational FrieslandCampina has announced that they will sell some of their brands and factories in Germany to their local peer Muller.
A spokesperson from FrieslandCampina said: “Our local German brands need more scale, and Unternehmensgruppe Theo Muller offers this growth perspective through synergy benefits”.
In the sale, there are included brands such as Landliebe, Tuffi, Sudmilch, Puddis, and Mondelice as well as the Friesland’s foodservice brand Gastro. Additionally, three manufacturing plants in Heilbronn, Cologne, and Schefflenz are to be sold to Muller.
President of FrieslandCampina, Roel Van Neerbos, said: “We are convinced that in the new owner, Unternehmensgruppe Theo Muller, we have found a suitable successor who, through synergy benefits, will be able to further develop this company successfully”.
The transaction does not mean that FrieslandCampina will completely exit Germany as it will continue selling and manufacturing international brands such as Chocomel drinks and Frico cheese.
Source: Just Food