German discount retail giant Aldi Sud has launched a promotional campaign called Mein Fan-Pudding, asking customers to design their ultimate dessert topping to be rolled out later this year in their stores.
Shoppers can upload their designs through the Aldi Sud Facebook page from now until 5th April. The one with most votes will then be produced and launched as a new product with name of the creator during September time, according to European Supermarket Magazine.
According to Aldi Sud spokesman, the shoppers will have the possibility to present their “unusual and crazy flavours” ideas for dessert toppings.
This initiative is not the first time Aldi has invited its customers and social media followers to participate in product development. Previously the firm has asked its Facebook followers to help design a new look can for the firm’s ‘Riy’n’ energy drink as well as a new pack design for its Kokett napkin range.
Source: European Supermarket Magazine