Fermented Food Holdings, a recently-established specialist food company that aspires to become a category leader, has announced it has acquired the Californian food brands Wildbrine and Bubbies.
Both companies produce fermented produce ranging from pickles and sauerkraut to kimchi and salsa, Fermented Food Holdings said. Wildbrine has also recently released a new WildCreamery brand with the aim of producing cultured plant-based dairy alternatives.
Commenting on the move, Fermented Food Holdings co-founder Oliver Joost said: “We see a huge opportunity to bring together the operating disciplines of traditional CPG businesses with the passion and innovation of entrepreneurial teams and a fresh approach to connecting with our consumers. We learned from experience the absolute priority of establishing deep trust with retailers”.
Fermented Food Holdings also announced a partnership with fresh vegetable grower Taylor Farms, which the company said would support the growth of the newly acquired-brands as well as optimise the Fermented Food Holdings supply chain.
Source: Fermented Food Holdings (via PR NewsWire)