Indian household and personal care company Godrej Consumer Products Ltd (Godrej) has announced ambitions to achieve sales of Rs 100 crore ($16.6 million) through its Protekt brand. The company was speaking as it unveiled product launches of a hand sanitizer, handwashes, and a skin mosquito spray under the Protekt brand.
According to Sunil Kataria, Godrej COO, the market of sanitizer products and repellents has increased in the last few years due to a growing awareness of grooming. Godrej focused its R&D effort on products that “smell great, look wonderful and be skin and environmental friendly while keeping consumer healthy,” he said
“We are eying at least 10% of the market share over next three years in this category which should help the Protekt brand emerge over Rs 100 crore-brand”, Mr Kataria added, stating that this would be “an achievement in FMCG sector”.
Source: The Economic Times