The leading Indian consumer goods company Dabur has announced plans to modernise its line of chyawanprash – a type of traditional herbal jam with a tangy sweet and sour taste – by creating new biscuit and snack variants. According to a report in the Economic Times, the launches are designed to make chyawanprash more appealing to young consumers as well as to make the 130-year old company itself “future ready”.
With close to 65% share, Dabur dominates the Rs 550 crore ($90 million) chyawanprash category. However, in spite of category growth of 10%-12% a year, its “two spoon a day” product is reportedly not perceived as modern or contemporary.
KK Chutani, Dabur chief marketing officer and executive director for consumer care, said that alongside its 50-year-old Dabur chyawanprash product line, the company was also looking to modernize other brands in its portfolio portfolio such as Hajmola digestive candy and Pudin Hara.
Source: Economic Times